Friday, June 11, 2010

BlackTie 2.0.0.M4 Released

Hello BlackTie fans,

We are very excited to let you know that we have now finished QA on the latest release and its uploaded and available from here:

In terms of what's new with the release, well if you take a look at you can see the full list, but we basically tightened up some of the XATMI behaviour, added a few new administration capabilities and some more documentation to our wiki.

One of the cool things that we have done is finally managed to get our artifacts into the maven repository hosted at

If you are developing pure Java XATMI applications this will be especially interesting for you as you shouldn't actually need to download the whole distribution and can just configure your maven settings and update your poms to reference the new version - however, you would need to download and deploy the latest blacktie admin services from here. You'll also need an updated btconfig.xml from here.

Actually, that does lead me onto another change with this release, we are now packaging the admin services as a real EAR, rather than the Jar, so the file that you deploy to JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy is slightly different - this is all explained here.

Hope that you enjoy the release!


PS - Just over one week to JUDCon...

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